Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft


Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft

Expert Panel report: Consultation draft

On 16 May 2024, the Hon Dr Tony Buti, Minister for Education, announced the release of the Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft. Refer to the media statement, Cook Government releases blueprint for senior secondary pathways.

The Consultation Draft has been informed by extensive engagement with a broad range of stakeholders. It highlights the need for further enhancements to ensure our senior secondary education system offers accessible and meaningful pathways for all students.

The Consultation Draft proposes a suite of 35 draft recommendations against 3 distinct areas for change:

  • Reframing the purposes of senior secondary education
  • A system built from learning goals
  • More fully recognising student diversity and achievement.

To access a copy of this report, download the Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft (PDF).

The Expert Panel invites all interested stakeholders to submit a response to the Consultation Draft by 16 August 2024.

The Expert Panel will draw on the stakeholder feedback received through this consultation process when finalising its report, which is now to be delivered by 1 October 2024.

Make a submission

Make a submission through the Expert Panel Report: Consultation Draft online form. Submissions are due on 16 August 2024. Any submissions received after this date will be considered at the Expert Panel’s discretion.

Submissions can be made either individually or on behalf of your organisation. Where you make a submission on behalf of your organisation, you are confirming that you have the authority to do so.

If you experience any issues when submitting your response, contact the Pathways to Post-School Success Secretariat at

Publication of submissions

Unless requested otherwise, all submissions will be treated as public documents. This means we can choose to publish the submission on the review website.

If you do not consent to the publication of all or part of your submission, you must state this when you submit your response. This includes if you consent to the publication of your name or organisation.

Where consent is provided, the Department reserves the right to edit, publish, or not publish submissions on the review website at its discretion.


Legal requirements, including the Freedom of Information Act 1992, may mean that the Department is required to disclose your submission, including a confidential submission.

Information collection

If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, you must provide your name, organisation name and email address. We will use this to contact you if we need to clarify any part of your submission.

If you are responding as an individual, you do not need to provide any personal information, however we encourage you to provide your name and email address. We will use this information to contact you if we need to clarify any part of your submission.

Your information will be stored and retained in accordance with:

  • the State Records Act 2000 (WA)
  • the Department’s Records Management policy.